Christine Chigounis

My Progress

I'm going the distance to leave cancer behind!

My Progress

44.2 mi

My Goal

50 mi

100% of every participant-raised dollar goes to EMF’s mission.

Let's go the distance for all of our loved ones who have been impacted by cancer, in honor of those who fight and those who care for them.  

We are so blessed to be able to give and come together in support of the research that is making lives and outcomes better every day and grants for young adult cancer survivors in need.     

In loving memory of Melissa Z. and Fred M.  

With love, gratitude and lots of prayers for my very close family: Erica, Alexa, Jaclyn and Aurora.

Many thanks to all of the family, friends and colleagues who participate and contribute to this mission that means so much to me and so many others.

Thank you to my Donors

Joseph Wallace

Matching Gift


Stephen Dane

Matching Gift


Robert Di Vincenzo


Lauren Marx

Great cause!!


John Pellegrini


Constantine And Erica Chigounis

Go Christine!!!


John Pavese

Go get em CC


Greg Erwinski


Jim Gothers

Love the effort CC!


Stacy Bernstein

You are amazing and cancer is awful!




Mark Sutterlin


Adam Wilkison


Alison Gore

So proud of everything you do for EMF!


Kendra Hogan

Great work, CC!! This is such a great cause!


Paul Michalowski


Vince & Alexandra Spera

Go Christine 💪🏻. Awesome support of this amazing cause!


Aisha Elezi


Steve Avera

Matching Gift


Frank Mcdonnell

Go CC!



Great job Christine!!!


Robert Romano

Go get'em Team Merrill & Friends!


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Brett Woodyatt


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Steve Avera

Go Team Merrill & Friends


Jeffrey Tiger


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Joseph C Wallace


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Kristin Chisholm

Best of luck!


Alexis Paolantonio Pickard

Go CC!


Dennis Geelan


Stephen Dane


Franklin Templeton Laces Sponsor


Alliancebernstein Laces Sponsor


Christopher Danos


Jackson Laces Sponsor


Lincoln Financial Laces Sponsor


Prudential Laces Sponsor


William Gross Foundation


Allianz Laces Sponsor


Advisors Asset Management (aam) Laces Sponsor


Mary Roberts


Christine Chigounis

Matching Gift


Christine Chigounis


Christine Chigounis


Presenting Sponsor


Our Team

Christine Chigounis (C)

Raised so far:


caroline digregorio

Debra Greenberg

Raised so far:


Nancy LaBossiere

Laura James

Ralph Corasaniti

Raised so far:


Laura Valentine

Raised so far:


Christina Jasko

Raised so far:


Michael Lamb

Raised so far:


Shannon Cullinane

Raised so far:


Justin DiLucchio

Raised so far:


Liz Latimer

Kendra Hogan

John Ryan

Raised so far:


Linda Bumbalo

Raised so far:


Vanessa Montero

Raised so far:


Mary Jo Kerrigan

Raised so far:


Melissa Jenkins

Raised so far:


Brian Pieloch

Raised so far:


Dawn Mastrogiovanni

Raised so far:


Christine McGrath

Cristina Pappadake-Gomez

Nick Medlin

Raised so far:


Zachary Zeman

Megan McGuire

Raised so far:


Marella Flynn

Raised so far:


Nathan Jones

Raised so far:


Gerald Mistretta

Raised so far:


Benjamin Blaisdell

Raised so far:


Thomas Perini

Jeremy Kaneer

Raised so far:


Claudia Germann

Raised so far:


Chris Herman

Raised so far:


Michael Sturm

Raised so far:


Eric Holtz

Denise Perez

Raised so far:


Brandon Adkins

Anna Khots

Raised so far:


Edward Gregorio

Bria Peace

Andrea Echo

Raised so far:


maha khashan

Michael Diaz

Raised so far:


Michelle Rubinetti

Raised so far:


Jeanette Acevedo

Jessica Kates

Joshua Isernia

Andrew Matthews

Raised so far:


Brian Reppert

Jennifer HolidayEgbert

Raised so far:


Thomas Fisher

John Garcia

Charlene Parrish

Beth Kennedy

Raised so far:


Mark F Halloran

Raised so far:


Tracy Fraser

Raised so far:


Chris Hooper

Raised so far:


Michelle Neuerman

Raised so far:


Jay Harris

Raised so far:


Olivia Hee

Sofia Flynn

Raised so far:


Becky Conover

Raised so far:


Edward Pawlowski

Raised so far:


Adam Rosenbluth

Raised so far:


Christopher Pepe

David Kuzia

Michael Petrucelli

Brad Armell

Raised so far:


Anna Potts

Raised so far:


Brian Austin

Raised so far:


Eric Mogilevskiy

Raised so far:


Andrew Collura

Matt Domin

Raised so far:


Lauren Mugavero

Raised so far:


Danielle Battista

cheryl sullivan

Raised so far:


Lisa Cobban

Katina Nelson

Raised so far:


Sharon Fruges

Raised so far:


Stephanie Lusardi

Joe Meklin

Raised so far:


oksana chubenko

Raised so far:


Kendra Kinscherf

Raised so far:


John Stergiou

Raised so far:
