Gina Crane

My Progress

I'm going the distance to leave cancer behind!

My Progress

0.0 mi

My Goal

14 mi

100% of every participant-raised dollar goes to EMF’s mission.

Please support me as I participate in the Expect Miracles Foundation Distance Challenge from May 14 – May 21, 2024.  I am doing this in memory of my Mom, my Aunt Phyllis and my friends Yahaira and Mike.  I am also doing this to support my friends who are cancer survivors – Gary, Paul, Chrissi, Lisa and Dina to name a few.

The Expect Miracles Foundation is a Boston-based non-profit which rallies the financial services industry to invest in life-saving cancer research while advancing the financial and emotional health of people impacted by cancer.  This amazing organization raises funds for research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York City, and provides grants to young adult cancer survivors struggling to recover financially after cancer treatment through its Samfund grants program.

Please click DONATE on the right hand side.