Amy Fisher

My Progress

I'm going the distance to leave cancer behind!

My Progress

0.0 mi

My Goal

0 mi

100% of every participant-raised dollar goes to EMF’s mission.

On May 5th I celebrated my 69th birthday. A day I did not expect to see. Coincidentally on that same day I celebrated the three year anniversary of my hospital discharge.
I have cancer. I have a very aggressive dangerous, life threatening cancer, Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma.
Upon completing my treatment I was informed that I had a 29% five year survival rate and that there would be no treatment should the cancer reoccur. 
I was treated with a new immuno therapy that targeted a specific protein in my cancerous tumor. To put this in perspective, my mother passed away from the same disease 30 years ago within 6 months of her diagnosis. This immuno therapy developed by Memorial Sloan Kettering has proven to be very successful and now, three years later life expectancy has doubled. It is also now widely available. I share this with you to underscore the importance of cancer research. As a member of the Expect Miracles Foundation Board and a participant in the current "Distance Challenge" I ask for your support. I go the distance every day with many partners in the cancer community to lead a happy, hopeful and prosperous life.
Please  join me and DONATE your support 

Thank you to my Donors

Revela Advisors Llc


Peter Smith



Ken Appelbaum

So glad you are fighting for yourself and others. Best wishes


Susan Pleasant


Matt Barry


Jill Mcgruder

You are amazing!


Mary Jane Healy

Go Amy!!!! 🩷


A Friend


Morton Fearey

So Inspiring Amy!


Peter Jackowitz

Many more happy and healthy years ! Love Peterand Sue


Rick Goldberg, Md

You go girl


Doug Heckman

Belated HBD. I had no idea, but so glad you are making a difference! Proud of you friend!


F. Patricia Fisher

Congratulations on your amazing success in beating back this rare cancer!


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


John (jack) F. O'connor


Robert Colon


Tommy Grout


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Gary Bertalovitz

Amy, big hug!! all my love xo


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Kim Richardson

Amy, I’m so grateful the treatment worked for you and the progression with the research. Kim


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Maribeth & Martin Rahe

What a miracle for a wonderful friend!


Sandy Mcguire


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


John Mccormack

Thank you for sharing your story ! Great cause !


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Chris O'dea

You are an amazing person and partner! Wishing you the best


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Mary Ann Bartels

Go Amy!! You are an Inspiration!


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Michael Jones


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Bree Barletto


Matching Gift

Thank you for going the distance to leave cancer behind!


Lauren Rabadeau Bollinger

You’re amazing Amy! ❤️


Lilly Fisher


A Big Fan

Go Amy go!!
