Amy Fisher

My Progress

I'm going the distance to leave cancer behind!

My Progress

0.0 mi

My Goal

0 mi

100% of every participant-raised dollar goes to EMF’s mission.

Advancing cancer research saves lives. I know because I’m proof.  I was diagnosed with the same cancer that took my Mom from us just 6 months after she was diagnosed. I have been cancer-free for over 3 years now because of research and the immunotherapy I was on increased my 5-year survival rate from 29% to 50%. That’s why I’m participating in the EMF Distance Challenge to pay it back and pay it forward.

And while most people participating in the EMF Distance Challenge will be logging miles by running, walking or biking, I am focused on going the distance every day with my eyes set on walking my daughters down the aisle one day.  On May 5, I will joyously celebrate my 69th birthday - Cinco d'Amy!! I hope you will celebrate with me!

100% of your donation goes to EMF’s research funds and financial assistance fund. I hope you will join me in going the distance to leave cancer behind. Thank you!

To make an online donation, please visit my page:

To make a pledge from your Donor Advised Fund, please complete this form:

I’m a proud member of Expect Miracles Foundation’s Board of Directors because I believe in its life-saving and life-changing mission. I may not be able to log the miles others can during this campaign, but every day I go the distance to leave cancer behind.  I hope you will join me in supporting this impactful charity.

Thank you!

Thank you to my Donors

Lilly Fisher


A Big Fan

Go Amy go!!
